Programs, Services, and Qualifications
The Pillar of Hope has a diversity of programs and services and provides qualified teachers. 

Educational Programs 

  • Art
  • Science
  • Mathematics
  • Health & P.E.
  • Reading & Spelling
  • Social Studies & History
  • Languages (English and Spanish)





    • Transportation –  a weekly/monthly fee will be assessed if scholarship is not enough to cover the amount
    • Before and/or after school care
    • Tutoring
    • Free and Reduced Lunch



Teacher Qualifications

ALL of our teachers must possess at least one of the following qualifications:

  • A bachelor’s degree
  • 3 years teaching experience at a Public or Private School
  • Special skills, knowledge, or expertise that qualifies the individual to provide instruction in specific subjects




Dear Parents and Scholars:

Our 2023-2024 Athletic season will begin in October of this school year.  If your child is participating in sports, please make sure that we have the Physicals and signed Waivers no later than September 11, 2023.  Conditioning for some of our sports will begin the week of September 18, 2023. The days and times will be Monday- Thursday, and the times will be announced by our Coaches.  Please be advised that Parents will be in charge of transportation to and from conditioning. 

Due to Covid-19, changes to our sports program may be made. However, we will inform you in advance of any changes.

 Athletic Director

Coach R. Lyons


Contact Us For Assistance 

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