Our Curriculum

Here are TPOHA, we have developed a creative curriculum that will allow scholars to reach academic success, regardless of their preferred style of learning.  Our lessons are scientifically designed to meet a vast array of learning needs.

Our visually appealing, animated and interactive lessons keep students engaged.

Lessons can be redone for those who benefit from repetition to fully grasp concepts.

Our curriculum offers a wide selection of written and spoken materials for those who learn best by listening, speaking, reading and writing.

There are tons of printable material to work with for those who love learning with their hands.

Our FLVS Lab provides the perfect environment for those who learn best independently.

There are plenty of lessons with verbal instruction to help those who learn best by listening.

Our interactive activities help auditory and verbal learners understand concepts and ideas.

Our wide selection of printable worksheets and ideas for science projects helps physical learners get hands-on.

Our comprehensive math and language arts curriculum allows verbal and logical learners to excel with access to multiple levels.

The student-paced approach and individual log-ins allow solitary learners to work when and where is most convenient for them.

TPOHA tracks student progress and helps children advance through individualized learning paths. This ensures complete coverage of the needed skills and concepts to ensure success.

We utilize the Impact Individualized Development Method

Individualized Learning

Individualized learning, or individualized instruction, is a method of teaching in which content, instructional technology, and pace of learning are based upon the abilities and interests of each learner.

Individualization is the “when.” The academic goals remain the same for a group of students, but individual students can progress through the curriculum at different speeds, based on their own particular learning needs. This approach serves students who may need to review previously covered material, students who don’t want to waste time covering information they’ve already mastered, or students who need to proceed through the curriculum more slowly or immerse themselves in a certain topic or principle to really “get” it.

The term individualized instruction was coined nearly 50 years ago. Initially, the approach included any teaching strategies that met an individual student’s needs, but — in practice — the term describes students working through set materials or curricula at their own rates. With individualized instruction, learning strategies are based on student readiness, interests and best practices. All of this is meant to help each student master the skills they will need as defined by established academic standards.

Impactful Individualized Development Plan

While students with special needs have long had individualized education programs (IEP) to guide them from kindergarten through Grade 12 education—ensuring that they are receiving the instruction and resources they need to be successful—impactful Individualized development Plan will go more in-depth to help cater to all students with or without an IEP.

There are hundreds of ways of learning! How do you find the most beneficial way that your child learns? Howard Gardner, a University Professor, developed a theory of “multiple intelligences” where he categorized all the ways that children learn in different areas

  • Linguistic – “Word Smart” – Children learn best through listening, reading, writing and literature. You can find these kids engrossed in books, flipping through print-outs/worksheets and listening to audio-books.
  • Logical-Mathematical – “Numbers/Reasoning Smart” – These children learn best through solving problems and mechanics.   You can find these kids building anything out of …. anything!
  • Spatial – “Picture Smart” – Kids with this learning style learn through pictures, art, and 3-D materials. You can find these children looking at photos of buildings, signs and searching ”Where’s Waldo” puzzles.
  • Bodily-Kinesthetic – “Movement Smart” – These children learn through obstacle courses and dancing. You can find these kids playing sports, climbing the jungle gym and always on the move.
  • Musical – “Rhythms and Songs Smart” – Children who learn through music dancing and singing. You can find these kids playing musical instruments, singing familiar songs, learning a variety of dances and creating living art of their own.
  • Interpersonal – “People Smart” – These kids learn through discussions and projects. These children are “leaders of the group”, organizing and directing their friends to get a job done.
  • Intrapersonal – “Self Smart” – Children with this learning style learn through self-expression. You can find them drawing pictures, creating art, journaling and spending time in calm places.
  • Naturalist  – “Outdoor/Nature Smart”- These kids learn best from being outdoors. They love hiking through the parks, burying their feet in the sand, watching a caterpillar up close and covering their little bodies in the mud!