Commonly Asked Questions

Is TPOHA Accredited? Currently we have membership through Florida Coalition of Christian Private Schools (FCCPS) and we are in the process of being accredited by FCCPS.
Will my child receive breakfast and lunch? We do not provide breakfast; however, in order to receive free lunch, you must fill out the free/ reduced lunch form and qualify. Otherwise, your scholar will not receive free lunch.
Is TPOHA a uniformed school? Yes. All staff and scholars are required to wear the correct school uniform each day. Uniforms can be ordered from TPOHA store. In addition, gym uniforms may be purchased from the school as well.
How many days can my child miss before receiving a failing grade? If a scholar misses more than 10 days in a 90day semester will fail due to absences (unless they are medically approved). He and/or she will not receive any credits for that current semester.
Is there any graduation requirement my child must meet? Yes. Every scholar of required to meet The Pillar of Hope Academy’s Graduation Requirements. Please refer to the your Student Handbook regarding High School Graduation Requirements.