The Pillar of Hope Academy does not discriminate based on a student’s religion, sex, race, color or ethnicity, and we accept students of any religion, race, color, sex, and ethnicity.
The Pillar of Hope Academy is seeking its’ accreditation through Florida Coalition of Christian Private Schools Accreditation and is currently a member of this organization and in good standing.
We currently service grades k-12. We expect our students to demonstrate academic excellence and integrity, be respectful to others, apply good decision-making skills, and implement adequate problem-solving skills. We strive to make our school a safe and clean environment, in order to promote a greater level of spiritual growth and excellence.
The Pillar of Hope Academy’s goal is to promote and build academic and life skills competence, self-confidence and Christian proficiency to boys and girls in order to position them for long-term success.
According to scripture, “Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men” (Luke 2:52); therefore, it is our goal to assist our students with being like Christ.